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Little pressure of supply and demand octanol market shock operation

Little pressure of supply and demand octanol market shock operation


  Since the end of October, several units of octanol have been repaired or reduced in turn in China, and the operating rate of octanol plant has dropped to a mid-high level within the year. The weekly average capacity utilization rate of octanol plant has declined for three consecutive weeks, with the capacity utilization rate declining by 9 percentage points. The two main downstream plasticizers as a whole fell for two weeks in a row, with combined DOP and DOTP rates down 14 percentage points from the end of October. Octanol market overall supply and demand side changes little.

  Recent domestic octanol market prices continue to shock trend, flat terminal consumption performance. Downstream raw material inventory maintained at a low level, buying phased replenishment, so the market trend in the range of volatility. After the middle, except for the South China octanol device shutdown maintenance, Shandong maintenance device resumed normal production, at the same time, the downstream plasticizer operating rate is expected to increase slightly, the domestic octanol market supply and demand increased simultaneously, octanol market supply and demand pressure is not big, octanol market is expected to continue the shock trend.

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